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* Do you, or does any member of your household, work for any of the following? Please select all that apply.
An advertising agency or PR firm
A company in the TV, radio, or movie industry
A marketing firm or department
A market research firm
A newspaper
A company that manufactures, distributes or sells toys
A restaurant
None of the above

* Are you…?
* Which of the following describes your employment status?
Employed – full-time
Employed – part-time
Self-Employed – full-time (business owner)
Self-Employed – part-time (business owner)
Self-Employed – full-time (freelancer)
Self-Employed – part-time (freelancer)
Student – full-time
Student – part-time
Full-time parent, homemaker/not currently employed
* How many people are employed in your business?
* Would you agree that you are fully employed and go to a workplace most days?
* How old are you?
* Do you have any children that are 17 years old or younger living in your household?
* Are you the parent or one of the primary caretakers of these children?
* How many children live in your household?
* And how old is/are your child/children?
0-6 months
7-12 months
1 year old
2 years old
3 years old
4 years old
5 years old
6 years old
7 years old
8 years old
9 years old
10 years old
11 years old
12 years old
13 years old
14 years old
15 years old
16 years old
17 years old
18+ years old

* Do you have a significant other or partner in your life right now?
* Please indicate which of the following best describes your situation as a parent.
Single parent, raising child/children by myself
Living separately, but raising child/children jointly with other parent
Living together and raising child/children with other parent
Today we have a few questions about your family life and your experiences in and impressions of the workplace.
Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the statement below.
Disagree Completely Agree Completely
* Overall, I am happy with my life.
Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.
Disagree Completely Agree Completely
* It is possible to have it all -- a full-time career and a full-time family life at the same time
* Working moms have it harder than non-working moms
* Most companies do not properly address the needs of a working parent
* It is much harder for a mom than it is for a dad to balance all of the different roles in her life
* There is a lot of division between working moms and non-working moms
* Staying at home with the kids is a real job
* I don't feel fulfilled unless I am working
* Work is less important when you have children
* Moms who stay home are better parents
Please indicate how much you agree that the types of behaviors and attributes listed below are important for success in the workplace.
Disagree Completely Agree Completely
* Innovating
* Taking initiative
* Being aggressive
* Being charming
* Telling funny stories
* Getting along and being nice
* Seeking out solutions that are fair for all
* Protecting friendships by negotiating differences
* Being thoughtful and considerate (bringing treats for birthdays, etc.)
* Masking emotion
Disagree Completely Agree Completely
* Seeing/focusing in on the big picture
* Playing to win
* Knowing how to compete
* Being attractive
* Inspiring and motivating others
* Talking sports
* Completing job duties in an excellent manner
* Taking risks
* When does it help to be a woman in the workplace?
* How would you rate yourself as a parent?
I am the best parent I can be
I try to be a great parent, but often I can’t do as much as I would like
I wish I could be a better parent
* What is the biggest challenge facing your career?
Keeping up with technology
Remaining relevant in the workplace
Difficult boss (woman)
Balancing work and family
Advocating for myself
Difficult co-workers (men)
Difficult boss (man)
Fear of offending others
Wanting everyone to like me
Caring what others think
Taking risks
Declining industry
Difficult co-workers (women)

What is the second biggest challenge facing your career?

What is the third biggest challenge facing your career?

What other career challenges do you have?
* Please describe your difficult male co-workers.
* Please describe your difficult female co-workers.
* Please describe your difficult male boss.
* Please describe your difficult female boss.
* Which of the following celebrity moms do you most want to be like? Please choose your top five.
Drag your choices here to rank them
    * If you had a choice, would you prefer to have a male boss or a female boss?
    Male boss
    Female boss
    * Why would you prefer a male boss?
    * Why would you prefer a female boss?
    * Thinking about your current job vs. previous jobs, would you say there is…
    ...more sexism,
    ...about the same amount of sexism, or
    ...less sexism?
    * Please share an experience in which you encountered sexism in your workplace.
    * How much, if any, sexism do you think there is in your current workplace?
    a lot
    very little
    * How much, if any, sexism have you personally experienced in your current workplace?
    a lot
    very little
    * What do’s and don’ts would you offer to new women in your workplace?
    How do you and your spouse or partner divide the following responsibilities?
    I primarily take care of this We share this responsibility equally My spouse or partner primarily takes care of this
    * Raising the child(ren)
    * Managing the household finances
    * Cooking meals
    * Earning money
    * Disciplining the child(ren)
    * Maintaining and cleaning the house
    * Buying groceries
    Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements about yourself.
    Disagree Completely Agree Completely
    * I have had a great deal of struggle in my life
    * I can achieve anything I set my mind to
    * I feel like I have a lot of control over the direction of my life
    * I love the life I have
    * I am optimistic about the future
    * I am as successful as I want to be
    * I often feel completely overwhelmed
    Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements about the workplace.
    Disagree Completely Agree Completely
    * Men tend to be conscientious about tidying up the kitchen at my workplace
    * There are men sharks and backstabbers in my workplace
    * The temperature in my workplace is too warm, especially in winter
    * It can be tricky to decide what to wear to work
    * There are women sharks and backstabbers in my workplace
    * Women tend to be conscientious about tidying up the kitchen at my workplace
    * Having a support system of female friends has been essential to my success in the workplace
    * I've put my passions on hold in order to get ahead in my career
    * I feel like my workplace is a woman's world
    * The temperature in my workplace is too cold, especially in summer
    * I feel like my workplace is a man's world
    * Having a support system of male friends has been essential to my success in the workplace
    * Which of the following do you think would make your life better? Please select up to three.
    Drag your choices here to rank them
      * Thinking about your family's ideal situation with regard to your work, would you say...
      ...on balance, I think my spouse/partner would prefer me to stay at home
      ...on balance, I think my spouse/partner would prefer that I work
      * Thinking about your family's ideal situation with regard to your spouse or partner's work, would you say...
      ...on balance, I would prefer that my spouse/partner stay at home
      ...on balance, I would prefer that my spouse/partner work
      * Do you consider yourself a feminist?
      And just a few more questions for classification purposes.
      * How does your family watch TV shows and movies at home? Please check all that apply.
      Regular TV
      Cable / Satellite
      Amazon Prime
      * How old are you?
      * What is your occupation?
      * What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
      High School
      Some college
      College graduate
      Graduate school
      Do you have any children age 18 or older?
      * Which of the following categories best describes your ethnicity?
      African American/Black
      Pacific Islander
      * What type of area do you live in?
      * What is your annual household income?
      $50,000 – 75,999
      $76,000 – 100,999
      $101,000- 125,999
      $126,000 – 149,999
      * If the US presidential election was today, who would you vote for?
      Bernie Sanders
      Donald Trump
      Hillary Clinton
      John Kasich
      Ted Cruz
      Wouldn’t vote
      * What state do you live in?
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