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You are invited to participate in this survey for a master thesis with the title [Knowledge Management: Building a Knowledge Sharing Culture]. The master programme is specialised in M.Sc. (Hons) in Technology Management from Staffordshire University.It will take approximately [10] minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact [Palvin] by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

* Which age group do you belong?
2. What is your gender?
3. Please select the department that you belong to?
Computing / IT
4. Please indicate which one of the following best describes your current role:
Project Manager
Project Staff
5. Which category of staff do you belong?
Permanent staff
Permanent staff with profit sharing
Flexi based staff
Contractual or temporary staff
6. Please answer the following questions. The questions are related to business culture and employees behaviour in your organization.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The senior management of your organization encourage knowledge sharing among employees.
Are you aware of new initiatives or updates in your organization?
Do you willingly provide information on new skills and capabilities?
Are you having difficulty in obtaining important knowledge because people have left the organization?
Are reqular meetings organize to share knowledge?
Do you learn a lot from other staffs?
In this organization,has information sharing increased my knowledge.
Most of my expertise has developed as a result of working together with collegues in this organization.
We often share work experiences informally within group members?
Knowledge and experience that you bring to your organization is recognised and rewarded accordingly.
Is sharing your knowledge and experience with other employees considered part of your job requirement?
7. Rank the most important knowledge that must be shared in your organization?
Formal processes and documentation
Research materials
Personal Development Materials
Teaching Materials
Project Documentation
Experiences - best methods/practices
Training materials
8. This questions are related to knowledge level.
Agree Neutral Disagree
Are you satisfied with your current knowledge?
Are the results of combining knowledge among employees improved the efficiency of work processes?
Are the experinces of each employee being shared and stored in repository/ database/documentation?
Is sharing experince more difficult than formal work practices?
Is knowledge acquiring and sharing process systematic?
Is it easy to make you share the tacit knowledge which is the know-how knowledge that you have gained through experinces.
9. The questions are related to technologies factor that relate to knowledge sharing.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
As a user of technology are you ranking yourself as a competent user.
Is technology available to assist knowledge sharing in your organization?
Is the technological resources available and easy to use?
Are you actively using this available technology to share and store knowledge?
Do your organization upgrade the technology to allow global collaboration using Internet or groupware application?
Is proper training given to new employees on how to use this technologies which can assist them in knowledge sharing?
Is the interface of the existing systems used for sharing knowledge usable?
Do you agree that knowledge sharing depends highly on technology.
10. As a contributor of knowledge to the organization which factor is highly indicative of your priority in term of measurement of knowledge sharing.
Recognition of my contribution (institutional and national)
My own continuing professional and personal development.
Direct funding (being paid to develop specific resources/services)
Collaboration (opportunities of working with likemind colleagues)
Personal satisfaction (seeing my contribution becoming more widely used)
Support (being offered guidelines, template & examples for developing my own resources/services)
Overall quality of experiences for training and profiling.
* Do you prefer to share knowledge among a community of same interest or job task?
12. Tick the checkboxes of the groups of employees within your organization you would freely (without being pressured) share your knowledge.
Employess who are your friends
Employees from the same department
Employees who may compete with you for the next promotion
Your direct boss
Employees from other departments
Senior Management
Subordinates who directly report to you.
Subordinates who is not directly under you
Members from the same project team

13. Tick the check box if the corresponding knowledge sharing instrument is placed in your organization.
Corporate e-mail account
Electronic database to store knowledge
Brain storming sessions
Dinner and Dance, Family Day
Project Debriefing/ Post Mortem
Open Door Policy
Tea talk or formal training
Work discussion and consultation

15. Additional Comments/Suggestions for improvement
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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