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The purpose of this questionnaire is to obtain information about conflict at the workplace. This is considered to occur when people’s ideas, decisions or actions relating directly to the job are in opposition, or when two people don’t get along with each other.
* Question 1: What is you gender?
* Question 2: What is your age?
51 and over
* Question 3: Have you ever experienced a conflict personally, in which you were personally involved at your workplace?
No (skip to question 6)
Question 4: How did it make you feel?
Sleepless and stressed
Nothing as I am used to it
Challenged, as it is a chance to prove myself
Question 5: How have you dealt with this conflict?
By making a scene at you workplace
By personally speaking to the person you are in a conflict with in a calm manner
Referred case to the HR department
Never dealt with conflicts
* Question 6: Have you ever witnessed workplace conflict, not involving you directly?
No (skip to question 9)
Queston 7: What is the most common negative outcome of workplace conflict that you have witnessed as a result of such a conflict?
Cross-departmental conflicts
Project failure
People getting fired
Drop in performance
Personal insults/attacks
People getting moved to a different department
Question 8: What is the most positive outcome you experienced following a workplace conflict, that was correctly tackled?
Higher performance in the team
Better solutions to a problem or challenge
Improved working relationships
Increased motivation
Better understanding of others
None, no positives
* Question 9: What do you think are the main causes of workplace conflict?
Please drag and rank(1st to 9th) the following
Drag your choices here to rank them
    * Question 10: What is the most important action that managers should take to address conflict at work more effectively?
    Manage those difficult individuals who create conflict
    Be role models of the right behavior
    Provide more clarity over areas of responsibility
    Create open communication channels so that conflicts can be reported immediately
    Have more informal one-to-one conversations with people they manage
    Identify and address tension before things go wrong
    Provide counselling for employees in conflict
    Provide more clarity over what’s expected
    Nothing, it’s inevitable
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