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Dear Participant,

Thank you for your interest in participating in this study. I am a Professor in the Department of Counseling Psychology in the School of Letters and Sciences at Arizona State University (ASU). I am conducting a research study designed to examine the factors influencing your academic success. I am inviting your participation, which will involve filling out an anonymous survey. This online survey will take no more than 15 minutes of your time.

Your participation in this study is voluntary, there are no right or wrong answers to any questions on the survey, and you can withdraw from the study at any time with no penalty. You must be 18 or older to participate. Even though there are no direct benefits for participating in the study, your participation will provide valuable information that may help university administrators, academic advisors, and career counselors gain insight into how psychological essentialism might influence students’ academic success. There are no foreseeable risks or discomforts to your participation.

Your responses will be anonymous, and no identifying information will be solicited. All surveys will be stored in a locked and secure file cabinet at the principal investigator’s office in 401 Payne Hall at Arizona State University. The principal investigator and an authorized doctoral student will be the only people who have access to the data. The results of this study may be used in reports, presentations, or publications only in the aggregate form. We will consider your contribution as consent to participate in the current study.

If you have any questions concerning the research study, please contact Kerrie Wilkins at [email protected]. If you have any questions about your rights as a subject/participant in this research, or if you feel you have been placed at risk, you can contact the Chair of the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board, through the ASU Office of Research Integrity and Assurance, at (480) 965-6788. Thank you for your cooperation.

Please click the “continue” button below if you agree to participate in the current study.


Terence J.G. Tracey, PhD
Professor and Faculty Head
Counseling and Counseling Psychology
School of Letters and Sciences
Arizona State University
(480) 965-6159
[email protected]

Kerrie G. Wilkins
Doctoral Student
Counseling and Counseling Psychology
School of Letters and Sciences
Arizona State University
[email protected]
Questionnaire A (1 of 3)
INSTRUCTIONS: Please look at the following list of activities and respond to each TWICE. Once regarding how much you LIKE the activity and once regarding your ABILITY to do the activity. Use the scales listed below to rate your Liking and Ability.
Strongly dislikeStrongly like
Unable to doVery competent
Give lecture to large groups
Manage an office
Prepare financial reports
Manage an electrical power station
Seat patrons at a restaurant
Oversee building construction
Categorize different types of wildlife
Drive a bus
Oversee a data analysis group
Install electrical wiring
Interview people for a survey
Maintain office financial records
Oversee a hotel
Sculpt a statue
Help children with learning problems
Questionnaire A (2 of 3)
INSTRUCTIONS: Please look at the following list of activities and respond to each TWICE. Once regarding how much you LIKE the activity and once regarding your ABILITY to do the activity. Use the scales listed below to rate your Liking and Ability.
Strongly dislikeStrongly like
Unable to doVery competent
Inspect construction sites for safety
Write computer programs for business
Teach people to dance
Write a play
Teach science
Paint a portrait
Oversee sales
Keep records of stock sales
Carry and load containers
Write a scientific article
Study the effects of elections
Sell clothes to others
Questionnaire A (3 of 3)
INSTRUCTIONS: Please look at the following list of activities and respond to each TWICE. Once regarding how much you LIKE the activity and once regarding your ABILITY to do the activity. Use the scales listed below to rate your Liking and Ability.
Strongly dislikeStrongly like
Unable to doVery competent
Draw cartoons
Organize office records
Assemble precision optical instruments
Study wildlife
Set up social programs
Supervise children in a nursery
Defend people in court
Smooth wood-furniture with sandpaper
Drive a taxi
Teach others cooking
Escort people through a television studio
Establish a business accounting procedure
Analyze survey maps
Questionnaire B
Instructions: Using the scale below, indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements. Please click on the number that best reflects your response to each statement.
1 (Completely Disagree) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (Completely Agree)
I think that the reason why there are more male math professors than female math professors is due to some biological differences between the sexes.
Men commit the majority of violent crimes in this country because they have a greater predisposition toward violence than women.
I believe that men pursue math and science careers more than women do because of the innate difference between the genders.
Part of the reason why women are more emotional than men is because of the way they're hard-wired.
Women get in fewer physical fights than men because women have less of an inborn tendency for aggression.
I think that differences between men and women in behavior are largely determined by the biological differences between the genders.
I think that differences between men and women in personality are largely determined by genetic factors.
Questionnaire C
Instructions: Using the scale below, indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements. Please click on the number that best reflects your response to each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
The basic differences between how men and women act are fixed, and nothing can really change that.
Individuals can do things differently, but the important differences between men and women can't really be changed.
Even the most basic differences between men and women can be easily changed.
Men and women can easily become more like one another.
The differences in behavior between men and women can't be changed very much.
Questionnaire D
Instructions: Using the scale below, indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements. Please click on the number that best reflects your response to each statement.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Somewhat Agree Agree Strongly Agree
I have doubts about the fit of this major for me.
My current major is perfect for me.
I am certain that I will continue in my current major.
Questionnaire E (1 of 2)
Instructions: For each statement below, please read carefully and indicate how much confidence you have that you could accomplish each of these tasks within the next week by circling the number that bests reflects your response to each statement.
How much confidence do you have that you could do each of the following tasks within the next week …
No confidence at all Very little confidence Moderate confidence Much confidence Complete confidence
Accurately assess your abilities
Select one occupation (e.g., Chemical engineer) from a list of potential occupations you are considering
Persistently work at your career goal even when you get frustrated
Figure out what you are and are not ready to sacrifice for your career goals
Select a work field (e.g., business, engineering) from one that you are considering
Determine the steps you need to successfully enter your chosen occupation
Use the Internet to find information about occupations that interest you
Make a plan of your goals for the next five years
Choose a career that will fit your preferred lifestyle
Determine steps to take if you are having career trouble
Determine the kind of lifestyle you would like to live
Make a career decision and then not worry if it was right or wrong
Questionnaire E (2 of 2)
Instructions: For each statement below, please read carefully and indicate how much confidence you have that you could accomplish each of these tasks within the next week by selecting the number that bests reflects your response to each statement.
How much confidence do you have that you could do each of the following tasks within the next week …
No confidence at all Very little confidence Moderate confidence Much confidence Complete confidence
Find the average yearly earnings of people in an occupation
Talk with a person already employed in a field you are interested in
Change occupations if you are not satisfied with the one you enter
Successfully manage the job interview process
Find information about graduate or professional schools
Identify employers relevant to your career possibilities
Determine what your ideal job would be
Identify some career alternatives if you are unable to get your first choice
Find out employment trends for an occupation over the next ten years
Prepare a good resume
Decide what you value most in an occupation
Change careers if you did not like your first choice
Choose a career that will fit your interests.
Demographic Questionnaire
What is your gender?
What is your age?
What is your ethnicity? (Please check all that apply)
Native American
Middle Eastern (Syrian, Lebanese, etc.)
Bi-Racial/Multi Racial
International Student

If you identify as an international student, what is your country of origin?
What is your class standing?
What is your declared academic major? (If you are currently undeclared, please write "Undeclared")
Are you the first in your immediate family, including your parents and siblings, to attend college?
Extra Credit Information
Are you receiving extra credit for your participation in this study?