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You are invited to participate in my DBA (Doctorate of Business Administration) dissertation survey which looks at the relationship between leadership types, motivating factors and the success of an organization. This survey is aimed at any person who is, or has, held any management or leadership position within an organization. This survey will ask questions about your personal leadership style and what motivates you to continue to do the job that you do. It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. The results of this survey will be used within my DBA dissertation. If you would like a copy of the results upon completion of the research, please include your email address on the form. Otherwise, no other personal information, except for your position in your organization is needed.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact, Jolynn Weeks, by email at [email protected]

Thank you very much for your time and support.


My Gender is:
My e-mail address for feedback on this survey is (optional):

How long have you worked for your current organization:

* Which of the following best describes your current job position:

Your Leadership Style
For the following sections please rate the statements based on your initial reaction. It is accepted that your reaction may change depending on the exact circumstances, but we are looking for your initial reaction in order to determine your natural leadership style.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
a. I think that I demonstrate high levels of initiative.
b. I like to seek new ways to accomplish tasks.
c. I view myself as a hands-on manager / leader.
d. I see nothing wrong with micro-managing.
e. If I want something done right, I do it myself.
f. I am more work oriented than people oriented.
g. My own personal points of view and beliefs are more important than my team.
h. I've received credible feedback from colleagues and my team that they're comfortable coming to me with questions, issues, and ideas.
i. It is important that my team trusts and respects me at all times.
j. My role is more to ask, listen, and learn, than to be an authority.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
k. I need to feel as though I belong.
l. I am a team member first and a leader / manager second.
m. When delegating work to my team, I prefer to tell them exactly what to do and how to do it.
n. If I were to organize a team function and one member of the team could not make it, I would reschedule rather than go ahead without them.
o. I find it difficult to understand anyone who puts in minimal effort and doesn't seem to want to develop and grow.
p. When a team member is promoted, I am sad to see them go, but happy to see them progressing.
q. I like to know if one of my team is having problems, whether this is in their professional or personal life.
r. Change within an organization is positive.
s. I make it a point to acknowledge my team daily.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
a. I spend the majority of my time on day-to-day tasks, versus on developing the road ahead.
b. I believe I am the expert in my department.
c. I find outside advice from peers or experts uncomfortable or difficult to accept.
d. Change is only truly successful if everyone is given an opportunity to contribute.
e. If I see one of my team struggling with a task I tend to become impatient with them.
f. If I tell someone to do something, I expect it to be done without question.
g. Explaining myself to my team is a waste of time.
h. I'd rather that my team members get on with the task at hand, rather than seek out explanations for what they are being asked to do.
i. I rarely offer feedback to team members on how they can develop their skills, unless they specifically ask or it is part of a formal appraisal.
j. I find it easy to delegate tasks to my team.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
k. When providing individual or team feedback I tend to concentrate on what has gone wrong, rather than what has gone right.
l. I find it difficult to praise team members for a job well done.
m. I know who the weakest members of my team are.
n. When allocating work to my team I will always allocate a task to the team member that I think can complete the task the quickest.
o. Allocating a task that I know will stretch a team member is something that I am comfortable with, even if that team member struggles or fails to deliver the task.
p. I believe in sharing as much information as I have with my team and those outside of the team who may be interested.
q. Transparency is extremely important to me , and I feel frustrated if I feel that information is being withheld from me or not being passed on in a timely manner.
r. I find it easy to empathize with the people that I lead.
s. I believe that members of my team think the way that I think.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
a. If a team member falls behind with a task, I am often tempted to take it from them and complete it myself.
b. I find it easy to listen to team members and offer them advice.
c. I tend to stay true to my values, even when that means sacrificing our results.
d. I value every team member’s contribution equally.
e. I like to hire people who are similar to me.
f. I tend to say what must be said, even if it's uncomfortable for others.
g. I believe that successes are more attributable to my own leadership than to the efforts of those I lead.
h. I consistently keep a healthy balance between working, resting, and my life outside of work.
i. If decisions are needed I am more likely to put the decision to the team vote, rather than make the decision myself.
j. I believe that most of the time I can complete a task faster and to a higher standard than anyone in my team.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
k. I have been known to take my team out during office hours (e.g. for lunch).
l. During an appraisal, I want to discuss the team members long-term career goals, even if this is outside of any role that my team / department can offer them.
m. I see a key part of my job as motivating my people, and making sure they feel good.
n. My people have told me that I'm a strong coach / mentor to them.
o. You can learn as much from a failure as you can from a success.
p. I hold regular one-to-one sessions and group meetings with my team.
q. I operate an 'open door' policy with my team.
r. There is always room for improvement.
s. Bad news is as important as good news.
t. I agree with the statement that, "If you don't like what we are doing then perhaps you should think of looking for a job elsewhere."
u. When it's a question of maintaining a working relationship or getting the job done, I'm going to get the job done.

What Motivates You

* The following provides a list of common employee motivators. Please rank them in the order in which they have the most influence on your level of job satisfaction (1 being the most motivating):
Good salary
Feeling my job is important
Flexible work schedule
Growth potential
Freedom to make decisions without approval from my manager
Working Conditions
Up-to-date technology and resources
Rewards and Punishments
Self-development and improvement
Socializing with other employees
Please list three to five words describing your style of management:
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.