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Making the Connections Program Survey

Our Cause, Core Strategies, Values and Strategic Objectives were recently refreshed. The following is an anonymous survey designed to help our senior leaders understand how effective we have been in communicating our direction as a company.

Additional communication surrounding our strategies are about to get underway and this survey will help us understand where we need to focus those efforts. Later in the year, we will be sending out a follow-up survey to gauge how we’re doing in this regard.

Thank you for your assistance.
* Are you aware that the Cause, Core Strategies, Values and Strategic Objectives were refreshed late last year?
* From the following options, please select the current Regence Cause.
Consistently strive to exceed our members' expectations.
We will transform health care, reducing the tyranny of health care waste, confusion and threats for our members and their families.
Meet the needs of our members with friendly, quality service.
Serve as a catalyst to transform health care creating a person-focused and economically sustainable system.
Members first, always!
How is our Cause important to you, to our customers or to their families?
* We have revised the content of the Core Stategies to coincide with our new Cause. Please select the current 4 Core Strategies from the options below.
Build the Foundation for a Transformed Healthcare System.
Facilitate an economically accountable relationship between persons and health care providers.
Implement CP-SS.
Deliver a diversified business portfolio that supports individual health, promotes better medical outcomes, and enhances a vibrant, sustainable health care system.
Achieve “Instant Validation” to enable our members to become fully engaged in making informed decisions based on the value of health care services.
Enable the building of healthy businesses through healthy people.
Put our members first, always.
Make health care more affordable and understandable for individuals and their families.
Maintain the financial strength of our company to provide stability and create new value for our customers.

How is what you are working on right now contributing to our Core Strategies?
* Our Values are the principles that guide our organizational behavior. From the list below, please select our 8 Values.

How is the way you are doing your work demonstrating one or more of our Values?
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