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You have been selected to participate in a very brief survey on possible keypad housing shapes for a new Securitron keypad. Your input is critical to help us optimize the look of the metal housing which will surround the keypad.

Current development of the keypad itself is moving in two directions: 1) traditional mechanical buttons (round and square) and 2) touchscreen buttons like those on the Yale inTouch made by iRevo (similar to buttons on an iPhone). That said, this survey pertains only to the metal housing which surrounds the keypad. Please take a moment to give your opinion, only focusing on the look of the metal housing which surrounds the keypad as it would appear on a narrow stile aluminum frame.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and anonymous. Again, since the survey may be sent to some of your colleagues, please don't discuss your choices until others have had the chance to complete it.

Thank you very much for your time and support--please start the survey now by clicking on the 'Continue' button below.
Below is a side by side comparison of the 11 keypad housings we would like you to evaluate.

The following screen will show detailed illustrations of all 11 keypad housings from various views.
Feel free to scroll up and down to get a good look at each one. After you have examined all 11 housings, hit the 'Continue' button at the bottom and you will then be asked which keypad housing you most prefer.

Again, for the purposes of this survey, please disregard the keypad itself and focus only on the metal housing which surrounds the keypad.

Which keypad housing do you most prefer?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Why do you most prefer this keypad housing?

On a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is 'completely disagree' and 7 is 'completely agree', give us your first thoughts on how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:

I like the keypad housing I chose because...
Completely Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 6 Completely Agree 7 Don't Know
…I think it looks durable.
…I think the size of the housing matches well with the narrow stile frame.
…I think it looks high quality.
…I think it looks easy to use.
…I think it would fit into a variety of applications.
…I think our customers will like it.
…I think it fits well with Securitron's existing product portfolio.
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