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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Please indicate all of the ways in which you support Greenwich United Way (Select all that apply)
By volunteering my time
By making financial donations

* How long have you been a volunteer with Greenwich United Way?
Less than a year
1-5 years
6-10 years
11-15 years
15+ years
I am not currently an active volunteer
* Please indicate all of the initiatives/events that you currently volunteer for or have volunteered for in the past?
Board of Directors
Fundraising/Campaign Team
Sole Sisters
Reading Champions
Audit Committee
Community Planning Council
Juvenile Review Board
Community Answers
Junior United Way
Finance Committee
Youth Services Council
Nominating Committee
Wiffle Ball Tournament
Marketing Committee
Community Investment Committee
Men’s Committee
Strategic Issues Committee
Other- Please specify

Please rate your level of agreement with the descriptors below regarding Greenwich United Way.
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
* Collaborative
* Fiscally responsible
* Understands needs of the community
* Organized
* Trusted
* Personal
* A Leader in the community
* Creative
* Effective
* Strategic
Strongly Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Somewhat Agree Strongly Agree
* Open-Minded
* Dedicated
* Efficient
* Innovative
* Experienced
* Exciting
* Prominent in the community
* Visionary
* Respected
* Impactful
* Compassionate
* Expert
* Responsive
* Disciplined
* Hands-on
* Why do you / did you choose to volunteer for Greenwich United Way?
* How would you describe the difference that Greenwich United Way makes within the community?
* What are Greenwich United Way’s biggest strengths?
* What are Greenwich United Way’s biggest opportunities for improvement?
* How important is the organization’s affiliation with the national United Way organization in your decision to volunteer?
Unimportant Slightly Important Important Very Important Extremely Important
* Beyond the good work that Greenwich United Way does, what effect does their affiliation with the national United Way have on your opinion of the organization?
Very negative effect on my opinion Somewhat negative effect on my opinion No effect on my opinion Somewhat positive effect on my opinion Very positive effect on my opinion
* In addition to your time do you also make financial donations to Greenwich United Way?
* Why do you make financial donations to Greenwich United Way in addition to volunteering your time?
* Why do you not make financial donations to Greenwich United Way in addition to volunteering your time?
If Greenwich United Way was a person that you knew really well, how would you describe them and their personality?
* Into which age range do you fall?
Under 18
* Please check all that apply to your household.
I live with a spouse/partner/significant other
I have children under 18 living in the house
I have children older than 18 living in the house
I live with a parent/guardian
I live with roommates
I live by myself